Anonymous Author (20)

Why Be Mean?

In the air, you can smell that someone is making coffee. Birds outside of your window are chirping and swooping…

A Normal Day

One evening, you're standing there behind the counter at your gas station job, bored. Everything is stocked, everything is clean,…

Real Zoo Questions

It's 11 PM at night. Your friend, who is not zoosexual himself but he does respect you, has rolled you…

Art can be Activism

The Marvel movies are omnipresent as a cultural touchstone, going far beyond a niche nerdy interest and asserting themselves solidly…

Zoosexuality in the Mainstream

When spending too much time in toxic spaces like Twitter or high school, it can be easy to think that…

Programming with dogs!

For people who have never written any code, it can be easy to think that computer programming is some arcane…

We aren't your debate

The dog who my family had growing up loved taking me on adventurous long walks all over the city. She…

The Joy of Zoo

There is such a deep pleasantness to waking up in a warm cozy bed with a dog. There are mornings…

Dogs are kinda Zoophilic

For as long as there has been zoo discourse in the furry fandom, there has been one subset of people…

Feral vs Zoo

What’s the big deal about feral art? Here’s an odd question: In Zootopia when they go to the ice cream…